We've all done it - you know that moment; you come out of the office after a hard day's work and are looking forward to the cycle ride home. But as you step out of the door you discover it's been raining...now you're faced with a wet saddle and the prospect of a soggy bum !

At DryButt.co.uk we have created a cheap yet effective solution to your wet saddle problem - a disposable waterproof bicycle seat cover.

The DryButt bicycle seat cover is made from polyethylene - a high-tech, recyclable, lightweight plastic sheet material that is 100% waterproof.

To fit the DryButt seat cover, you simply stretch it over your bike's saddle using the built in elasticated collar - it really couldn't be simpler.

When you return to your bicycle after a rainy day, you simply remove the DryButt seat cover to reveal a nice dry saddle !

The DryButt bicycle seat cover is available exclusively from eBay for just 99p - Yes, that's right...99p !!!

To say goodbye to a soggy bum and buy your DryButt seat cover for 99p,
click here